refining the visual brand of Hello Alice


Art Direction
Visual Design

Problem Statement

Prior to my arrival, Hello Alice underwent several iterations of their branding and aesthetics, ultimately settling on an Alice in Wonderland theme. The Hello Alice branding encompassed a whimsical and enchanting aesthetic, featuring illustrations characterized by oblong shapes, the presence of Ziggy (the Hello Alice mascot), clouds, sparkles, and a consistent integration of these illustrations across various marketing assets such as social media, website, and printed materials. However, with Hello Alice’s growth and progression as a company, there is a prevalent sentiment that the illustrated and “cartoony” aesthetics are now perceived as less sophisticated, necessitating an update to our overall visual identity.

visual evolution of THE marcom website

1. The initial version showcases Hello Alice's early illustration exploration, integrating illustrations with photos for a consistent visual language. However, the style appears outdated and unpolished, with gradient-style illustrations found in other marketing materials. Despite an identified brand aesthetic, the website's first version lacks a grid structure, requiring further refinement.

3. Upon my arrival, I redesigned the marketing website for Hello Alice in its third iteration to align with the product team's foundational system, promoting cohesion. This redesign introduced a grid structure, refined fonts, maintained a 3:2 image ratio, and added a carousel feature while preserving the whimsical illustration aesthetic.

2. The second version showcases a refined illustration style. The detailed Alice in Wonderland-inspired keyhole header becomes the cornerstone of Hello Alice's marketing materials. Version two's iconography shows improved detail and visibility at smaller scales compared to the first version. While the whimsical illustration style continues throughout the homepage, the grid structure is still absent.

current design for marketing assets

Displayed below is a visual representation showcasing a curated selection of some of Hello Alice’s current marketing assets. The visuals harmonize oblong-shaped illustrations, while the social graphics prominently exhibit a dynamic background shape complemented by relevant illustrations, serving to effectively convey the discussed content in a visually compelling manner. It is noteworthy that the style of these illustrations harmoniously aligns with that of the current marketing website, establishing a cohesive visual identity.

Social Media

Printed Assets

what’s next?

As Hello Alice grows, we recognize the need for visual evolution. The cartoon-esque illustrations, though endearing, no longer align with our desired brand image. Determined not to abandon illustrations entirely, we seek a balance, inspired by the "Forward Focus" campaign graphics, which guide our shift towards a fusion of photography and subtle illustrations. The following concepts I designed represent our discussed objectives, highlighting the intended trajectory for our marketing assets.

Social Media Mockup

1. I recognized the need to implement a grid structure for the newsletter. By incorporating columns and introducing image blocks, I believe that it will enhance the user's ability to assimilate information effectively. Additionally, utilizing smaller copy blocks would help improve the readability of the text in a digital format.

While the previous iteration of the newsletter provided informative content, I identified areas for improvement to enhance the appeal and user experience of our Hello Alice users.

2. The second necessary modification involved highlighting the CTA buttons. Previously, these links were embedded within the text, risking reader oversight. Enlarging and widening the CTA buttons aims to capture the reader's attention and will hopefully boost engagement rates.

Newsletter Redesign

Current Design

3. To align with the social media aesthetic, I replaced child-like illustrations with photos for a sophisticated header and used a light blue background to separate sections instead of thin lines.

Redesign Concept

I envisioned the graphics incorporating more photography and fewer child-like illustrations. Furthermore, the implementation of a new typographic treatment, featuring a white box behind the text, will enhance accessibility by ensuring clear legibility irrespective of the background photo utilized. Additionally, the subtle incorporation of clouds and illustrations will still keep some of the integrity of the old Hello Alice branding.